September is birthday month, so I took the liberty of changing directions. This month's selections are from way back in the day. I kinda feel like the 80's club music gets forgotten somewhere between disco of the 70's and the techno of the 90's. But the 80's were when I was just beginning adulthood and these were the songs we were listening to. Some of these are out of print and tough to track down, but I have fond memories of them all. I make no claims as to their musical merit other than at some point in my life they put a smile on my face. Enjoy!
1. Serious (Donna Allen) - a kickass song, but the album cover alone was worth the purchase price
2. I Can't Wait (Nu Shooz) - my freshman suite was ready to murder me for playing this on an endless loop in the dorm
3. Whenever You Need Somebody (O'Chi Brown) - one of the first 12" singles I ever listened to
4. Be Your Man (Jesse Johnson) - I was just talking about this song with my friend Stacy today, great solo effort by one of the guys from The Time
5. Boys Do Fall in Love (Robin Gibb) - solo effort from a Bee Gee, never was a hit but this was a summer fave for me & my friends the year it came out
6. Obsession (Animotion) - proof that synth pop can rock
7. The Object of My Desire (Starpoint) - classic 80's R&B
8. Boy (Book of Love) - church bells + gender bending vocals = happy Brant
9. Mercedes Boy (Pebbles) - flirty dance pop
10. Jukebox (the Flirts) - cult favorite that we spent a lot of nights dancing to
11. Manhunt (Vanity) - Nasty girl gets more coy, less graphic. Her autobiography comes out this year. I'm sure Prince is nervous.
12. The Politics of Dancing (Re-flex) - Great unappreciated New Wave groove
13. Lovesexy (Prince) - Prince in his helium-huffing phase still throws down
14. 99 1/2 (Carol Lynn Townes) - I think I was the only one in the world who LOVED this song
15. High Energy (Evelyn Thomas) - The first song I ever remember hearing in a dance club. Still makes me smile every time I hear it.