Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Brant's February 2021 Playlist

When the #ThenAndNowChallenge takes you from Bunny to Bernie!

How has it only been one month since the last playlist?!?!  It feels like six.  We lost Cloris Leachman and Cicely Tyson, had an insurrection at the Capitol, and got a new President!  We've also got a new playlist.  I guess with all the chaos, I was leaning towards easy grooves and comforting folk-rock.  Anyway, here 'tis, and to listen on Spotify, click HERE.

1.  Balenciaga (New West) - Aspirational dream pop to get us started on a positive note!

2.  Officer of Love (Caamp) - Athens, Ohio folk band keeps the mellow vibes going.

3.  In the Air (the California Honeydrops) - Oakland band serves up some 1970s soft rock vibes. 

4.  Dance Alone (Tayla Parx) - "Thank U, Next" songwriter steps up to the mike and proves she can do catchy pop all by herself!

5.  Strangers (Roosevelt) - 2021 will be gifting us a new Roosevelt album, so at least we have that to look forward to!  This is an early release from the new album.  

6.  Lifetime (Romy) - Reminds me of the early 90s club tunes I used to enjoy back in the day!

7.  On the Lookout (Neil Frances feat. Rafaella) - Percolating pop from West Coast duo. 

8.  Sword from a Stone (Passenger) - Melancholy folk from English singer/songwriter.

9.  Smalltown Boy (Orville Peck) - Unexpected Bronski Beat cover from up and coming Canadian artist! I would never have thought to put a Country and Western twist on this tune, but it works!  

10.  What a Magical Night (Gunhild Carling) - I love me some Gunhild!  Old school jazz flavors to pair with your Valentine's Day celebration.  

11.  What Makes Me Think About You (Nicolas Godin) - I loved Air back in the day!  Now one of the original members has gone solo, and offers up this robotic, atmospheric delight.  

12.  Not My Life (Nolie) - Indie pop star sings about going through the motions but not really being okay, which seems pretty relevant as we enter Year Two of the pandemic!

13.  Incapable /Dmitri from Paris and Aeroplane Remix/ (Róisín Murphy) - We had Róisín on last month's playlist, and I'm still digging tracks off her new album - including this deelish remix!  

14.  <Insert Girls Name Here> (the Luka State) - Energetic rock from Cheshire band

15.  On It (Jazmine Sullivan and Ari Lennox) - Apparently "WAP" opened the floodgates for sex-positive female anthems!  And the R&B vocals are impeccable!  

16.  In the Morning (MOKS feat. Kepler) - I couldn't find out much about this Dance artist, but heard it on Pandora and liked it!  

17.  Holy (Rhye) - Canadian R&B act gets an angelic assist from the Danish National Girls' Choir!   

18.  Run It (My Morning Jacket) - From cherubs to classic rock!  Brantworld is home to all.

19.  Right On (Devon Gilfillian, Nickie Conley, and Davie) - What better way to celebrate Black History Month than a spot-on cover of a Marvin Gaye deep cut!  I'll definitely be keeping an eye on future projects by Devon Gilfillian!

20.  BONUS TRACK:  Thinking of You (Joesef) - This is apparently a Spotify exclusive, which is a shame because I'd gladly hand over $1.29 to own this fantabulous Sister Sledge cover!  I included it anyway even though I prefer owning versus streaming.  Think of it as my Valentine's gift to you!

So that's February's playlist!  After January, Lord knows what this month has in store for us - but I'll be looking for you on the other side!  Happy Groundhog's Day!  

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