Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Beliefs

I believe Susan Lucci is fabulous.

I believe fast food should be taxed like cigarettes.

I believe exercise is as much for the mind as for the body.

I believe there is a God, but I also believe from the minute the first humans learned to read & write that they started putting words in His mouth.

I believe in the concept of a left/analytical brain and a right/creative brain. I also believe that somehow the left brain people have decided their contributions are more valuable than those of the right brain people--which is a shame, because as much as I enjoy Sudoku puzzles, a Sudoku puzzle has never made me laugh or feel the awesome sense of exhileration that I feel whenever I see a great play, look at an inspiring piece of art, or hear a talented musician perform.

I believe, like most Southerners, that home cooking is one of the purest expressions of love.

I believe it's a lot harder to fall in love than they made it look on "The Love Boat".

I believe you need to nurture your friendships, even if you are in love.

I believe my hair looked better with highlights.


DDS said...

Fabulous Sweetie! Perhaps you should explore a career as a dental web designer? : )

Miller said...

Hey Brant,I love Susan Lucci too! I would also support a bill to tax fast food.