Saturday, January 5, 2008

Looking Great in 2008

New Year’s Eve came and went without a love connection, but 2008 appears to be looking up. A straight male friend of mine is taking me to a party this week where he wants to introduce me to some single gay friends of his. Martin Luther King weekend I’m going to L.A. to visit a gay couple, and they are having a cocktail party to introduce me to some more men. Additionally, a high school friend of mine out there is going to recruit some bachelors on my behalf. Apparently, it takes a village to get me laid (apologies to Hillary Clinton).

Lord knows I can’t be trusted to do this on my own. Take tonight for example—I was going to dinner and a movie with a female friend of mine. I figured since I’d be sitting in the dark for most of the evening, a minimal amount of grooming was required. After awakening from an afternoon nap, I simply smoothed my hair down with a wet comb, threw on an old turtleneck sweater and jeans, and headed out. When we got to the movie theatre, the show was sold out. We weren’t interested in any of the other pictures, so my friend suggested we go to a neighborhood restaurant for a glass of wine.

When we got to the restaurant, I was dismayed. The place was loaded with gay men. Add a urinal and it could’ve been a Republican restroom. This wasn’t even a gay or gay owned business. When will I learn that being single is like being a celebrity? You can’t EVER afford to leave the house looking bad. If you’re a celebrity you will run into the paparazzi. If you’re single you’ll run into hot prospects who will see you looking like sh*t and NEVER want to kiss you. How sad that after 40 years I still haven’t learned this.

I guess that will be my New Year’s Resolution. I will NOT leave the house looking disheveled. Even if I’m just walking to the grocery down the street, I will primp. If my dear friends are going to expend effort to get me paired off, I can at least expend some effort to look presentable. And then, once I’ve met my soul mate and pledged my trough—I can totally let myself go.

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