Thursday, August 28, 2008

The First Anniversary

I was looking at my calendar this week and realized that it was one year ago that I left my dental practice. In some ways it seems like it was only yesterday. In others it seems like a lifetime ago. It seems like forever since I actually worked on a patient. Unfortunately, the feelings I was having last year at this time are still pretty strong whenever I think about going back to dentistry. And the feelings I was having that last day at the office are still with me.

Because they knew I was leaving and a new doctor was coming in who would need to be trained, etc, most of the staff at my office decided to go on vacation the last two weeks I was there. It was reasonable to do so, and I don’t blame them—but it didn’t make my last two weeks a lot of fun. I was left to manage the office by myself. I got through it, but then on my last day—as my last patient walked out the door—I packed up my stuff and went to say ‘goodbye’. I was halfway down the hall before I realized there wasn’t really anyone to say ‘goodbye’ to. I had been working with the other doctor’s assistant that week, and we weren’t really that close. There was a new woman we had hired who was acting as receptionist, so she & I were still relative strangers as well. I just took my belongings and walked out the back. I remember feeling as though the profession I had never really liked apparently didn’t like me either.

So how am I feeling one year later? I’m still a little apprehensive about the future. I like my new job, and I’m learning a lot from the friend who hired me. I watch him work and it all seems to come so easy for him. I wonder if I will get to that point. I remind myself that he’s been doing this job for 12 years, and I’m only 8 months in—but it can still be intimidating.

I do feel like I’m on a better path now. I feel like I am growing again as an individual and as a member of my community. Dentistry left me so drained I didn’t pursue outside activities. Since leaving, I have joined the Board of a performance theatre and have really been able to dedicate some time to them. I’ve met a lot of people I would not have met otherwise—people of varied backgrounds and experiences from whom I feel I can learn. And I’ve been able to spend more time with the friends and family I already had.

All in all, it’s been a challenging and rewarding year. Was leaving dentistry the right decision? I believe it was, for me. Am I where I want to be? Honestly, not yet. But I feel like I’m heading in the right direction. It will be interesting to see where I am next year at this time.

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