Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Date That Never Was

I almost had a date with someone! Before I stopped going to my personal trainer, I had developed a little crush on the guy who had the appointment before mine. He had salt and pepper hair, a decent build for a guy in his 40’s, and a great boyish smile. We had developed this rapport as he was leaving the gym and I was going in. I’d ask him if he’d survived his workout session, and he’d smile, nod and wish me luck. I told my trainer that I thought the guy was cute, but didn’t think anything else about it. I figured once I stopped seeing my trainer I’d stop seeing the cute guy.

About a month ago I got an email from my trainer. He informed me that his cute client had asked about me, and wanted to go out with me sometime on a date. My trainer also passed along the guy’s phone number! Suddenly I was in the hot seat.

After steeling my resolve, I finally called the number. The guy seemed very excited that I had phoned. I asked him out to dinner, and he sighed. It seems he was on the planning committee of the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) and their big fundraiser was this weekend. He asked if we could postpone the date until after the weekend. So I did.

The next week I called again. The guy seemed very excited that I had phoned. I asked him out to dinner, and he sighed. It seems he had a business trip he couldn’t get out of, and he would not be back until late Sunday night. He asked if we could postpone the date until after the weekend. So I did.

At this point I decided it was up to him to get something scheduled. Miraculously, he called me this past Monday night and left a message on my voice mail. He still was looking forward to our date. Okay, I thought. Maybe I was a bit too hasty to write this guy off. So last night I called him back and suggested Thursday. I didn’t hear back from him today. Not a big deal.

Tonight I had a meeting with a friend to discuss some fundraising for the performance theatre of which we are both board members. I walked into the restaurant and who should I see but the cute guy from the gym. I started to walk over, but he saw me and motioned to his ear—he was on his cell phone. Okay, I thought. I’d just sit at the bar until my friend showed up, and wait for the cute guy to get off the phone. Well, the cute guy got off the phone and DIDN’T COME OVER! My dinner companion hadn’t arrived yet, so it’s not like he saw me with someone and thought I was on a date. He just didn’t feel like coming over to talk to me.

Needless to say, I won’t be going on a date with the cute guy from the gym. I have to give him credit though. Usually I need at least one date with a guy before I decide to dump him.

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