Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To Breed or Not To Breed....?

I had a dream last night that I was a daddy. Not the leather pants and paddle type, but the biological kind. I must admit, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. I’ve just entered my forties (yikes!) and I have to decide if children are something I want to have. I know my parents would love it. I hear them talk about their friends’ grandchildren, and I can tell that they would love to have some of their own. That’s not a great reason for me to bring a human being into the world, however.

I also am at the point where I’m seeing adults from my childhood age into convalescence. Most of them are lucky enough to have children who can take care of them (or at least put them in a home where they can be cared for). I can’t help but wonder what will happen to me in my old age if I don’t have offspring to look out for me. Again, not a great reason for me to bring a human being into the world.

I don’t really feel like I am much of a caretaker. It’s about all I can do not to kill my houseplants. I remember once a good friend of mine left me with her two young children while she ran an errand. She said she would only be out for a few minutes, and the kids were eating so everything should be fine. Famous last words.

Her three year old and I got along great. I could talk to him and he could talk to me and we understood each other. The one year old was a different matter. He let me spoon feed him for a bit, and then suddenly began crying at the top of his lungs. I asked the three year old what mommy did when this would happen and he just shrugged. Thanks, kid.

I tried everything I could think of—making faces, pretending the spoon was an airplane, begging—but nothing was working. I was stumped. So the three year old and I just decided to let the toddler cry while we finished our dinners and stared uncomfortably in the opposite direction.

When my friend got home, she laughed and said the baby just wanted to be held. Honestly that had never occurred to me. Even if it had, I doubt I’d have done that. I was wearing a Burberry shirt, for pete’s sake. That baby had more food on him than in him.

So much for my innate parenting skills.

I do see that there are some rewards in raising children though. My friends who are parents (straight and gay) say it’s the best thing they ever did. Maybe I could find a nice lesbian couple who would do most of the child-rearing, and I could be the cool uncle or step-dad who pitched in every now and then. Maybe if I were in a stable relationship and had someone who could be daddy #2, I would even consider being the custodial parent. Either way, I’d have some help.

I guess what I’ve decided is that I need to bring another human being into MY world, before I start bringing human beings into THE world.

1 comment:

Crystyle said...

I can kinda imagine you as a daddy...You definitely have alot of child like qualities..so I think you would mesh well. Now you might wanna hire a cleaning service because I dont see you cleaning up the mess of having a child. I wonder if there is a waiting list for Supernanny?