Friday, May 30, 2008

90 in 90

Desperate times call for desperate measures. It’s been 5 months since the holidays and I still haven’t lost the weight I put on between Thanksgiving and New Years. Usually I gain a bit during the holidays, but once they are over and the Christmas parties and huge meals and luscious leftovers are behind me, the weight falls off. I guess this is one more curse of getting older. This time around the holidays have stayed with me, and not in a good way.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had to make adjustments for my ever-slowing metabolism. I remember when I turned 30 I had to give up my precious Chinese buffets. At 35 I had to hire a personal trainer*. Now it seems at 41 something else will have to happen. It occurs to me that I may be able to take a page from the Alcoholics Anonymous rulebook.

I have some friends in the program, and through osmosis I’ve become aware of some of the tenets of the organization. I’m not necessarily referring to the 12 steps, which I’m sure are available online, but to some of the things I’ve heard AA members are asked to do. Some of them seem to apply to weight loss as well as drinking.

1. Admit you have a problem. I certainly do. I’m gaining weight and can’t get into some of my clothes comfortably.
2. Admit you are powerless over alcohol. Apparently I’m powerless over food. I do love to eat, and don’t seem to have the power to metabolize it like I used to.
3. Attend 90 meetings in 90 days. This is the one which really intrigues me. Attending that many meetings in a row really demonstrates a commitment. Maybe if I commit to 90 gym visits in 90 days, it will be enough to jump start some weight loss and establish some healthy habits. I’m sure I can’t commit to exercising every day for the rest of my life, but if I get into the habit of going whenever possible, that has to be a good thing!

So that is what I’m going to try to do. I’m also hoping by publishing this, it will reinforce my commitment. Unfortunately I doubt I’ll see results before summer is well underway, which brings me to another step:

4. Make amends to people you have wronged. So, if you are unlucky enough to see me in a swimsuit this summer, you may be getting an apology letter in the fall.

*Part of me is wondering if the retained weight is a side effect of my un-retained personal trainer (had to let him go after December 2007), but since I don’t foresee him returning I will have to come up with another plan.

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