Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Potent Potables

I have to admit, I was recently jealous. I went to Playa del Carmen for a friend’s 40th birthday. The trip was perfect. That didn’t bother me. The weather was great. I was fine with that. He was surrounded by people who love him. I was one of them. What I envied was that during the course of the festivities, the party planner that put together the event worked with a bartender and came up with a signature drink in his honor. A drink named after him! I couldn’t stand it! So of course I came home and got out my junior chemistry set to come up with a drink of my own. I googled the ingredients and as far as I know, nobody has mixed these before. Where’s the *%$!! Patent Office???

The Branchula (Branchula is a nick-name of mine, in case you’re wondering—rhymes with tarantula)

1 part Irish whiskey (an unexpected ingredient that is both exotic and memorable)
1 part Canada Dry Green tea ginger ale (for effervescence AND some healthy antioxidants)
1 part Cranberry juice cocktail (for color and necessary fruitiness!)

Mix together in a lowball glass and serve over ice. Hopefully you will find it light and refreshing—especially those of you who shy away from dark liquors!

And for those of you who are more health conscious, here is my secret pre-workout power drink. It’s great for those days you don’t really feel like working out—by the time you get to the gym you’ll be bouncing off the walls!

Brant’s Energizing Work Out Shake

3/4 cup chilled coffee (I like a bold coffee like Starbucks Sumatra)
3/4 cup 2% milk
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (lately I’ve been using American Sports Double Dutch Chocolate Supreme—20 g protein per scoop)

Mix in a blender and enjoy 45 minutes before you go to the gym. By the time you get there the caffeine will have kicked in, and you’ll have the protein available to build muscle.

So whether you want to work out or pass out, I have a beverage for you! Drink up, sweeties!

1 comment:

stephpants said...

I want to work out and then pass out! Yay! Interesting... I might have a drink named after me, but it seemed to involve stinky pinky, absinthe, and toothpaste filled olives. Simply delicious?!?